restless procrastination

Now I’m bored… wait no, ‘bored’ is not the best word to describe it… ‘restless’… yea, that sounds better… I’m restless… unfocused… losing concentration… wasting time… procrastinating…. sigh… I’ve caught the ‘procrastination disease’… haha

What to do? yea I know, I know… the cure is to just do your homework… just study… I need to finish this studying… but I’m feeling so restless and unmotivated to continue… should I take a break? not a good idea because time is running out…this is already a break…damn, I can’t be like this… I really need to focus… ok, back to studying now! 

Management joke

A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted,” Excuse me, can you help? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”

The woman below replied, “You are in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You are between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.”

“You must be an engineer,” said the balloonist.

“I am,” replied the woman. “How did you know?”

“Well,” answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of you, and the fact is I am still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help so far.”

The woman below responded, “You must be in management.”

“I am,” replied the balloonist, “but how did you know?”

“Well,” said the woman, “you don’t know where you are or where you are going. You have risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it’s my fault!”

Babies joke

Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, “Congratulations, you got twins.” The man said “How strange, I’m the manager of Minnesota Twins.”
After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, “Congratulations, you got triplets.” Man was like “Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the “3 musketeers.”
Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and says, “Congratulations, you got twins x2.” Man is happy and says, “Ironic, I work for the hotel “4 Seasons.”
All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall.
They asked him what’s wrong and he answered, “What’s wrong? I work for 7up!”

The Scam of Capitalism

My uncle that taught me about ‘-isms’ sent me this little essay from somewhere, about the continuation of capitalism:

“The scam is to convince you to ‘enjoy’ living ‘beyond your means’ … i.e. spending more money today than you actually have today …

… of course, tomorrow if you pay it back you will have even less to spend …. so, instead of paying it back you are encouraged to borrow more just to ‘keep up’ the same standard of living …

… this keeps on until every month a huge portion of your wage is going to ‘service’ the debt (= i.e. just pay the interest on it) and then the card company decides you are ‘over-extended’ and won’t lend you any more money …

You then spend the rest of your life POOR trying to meet the minimum payments and stave off bankruptcy ..”

Here’s a quote from someone’s perspective on capitalism: “Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all.” -John Maynard Keynes-

What a scam, don’t cha think?

Work Joke

An employee comes into her manager’s office to take a day off from work. The manager replies, “So you want a day off. Let’s take a look at what you are asking for. There are 365 days per year available for work. There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week, leaving 261 days available for work. Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only 91 days available. You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break, which counts for 23 days each year, leaving only 68 days available. With a 1-hour lunch each day, you used up another 46 days, leaving only 22 days available for work. You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave. This leaves you only 20 days per year available for work. We are off 5 holidays per year, so your available working time is down to 15 days. We generously give 14 days vacation per year which leaves only 1 day available for work and I’ll be darned if you are going to take that day off!”


I feel that the more I blog, the novelty of it lowers. (But that might be just me.) It felt more fun in the beginning because it was something new and refreshing, but as time went on and when I feel that I’m starting to blog a bit more routinely, the magic got lost. Haha, it’s a bit like falling in love… or should I say, falling infatuated instead. You get so caught up in the heat of the moment that you lose track of what you’re really doing. You run with the momentum you initially get, and when it burns out, you’re left with a bitter aftertaste. A bit impulsive but nevertheless spontaneous and fun to do. But if it will last for long-term by turning into real love (haha), will take some effort and persistence and compatibility. Haha, but if it’s fun to do then all this work will be like play, right?

Anyways, that doesn’t mean I will stop writing. I love this form of expressing myself and I don’t plan on giving it up yet. (well, unless people I know start figuring out it’s me but the likelihood of that seems kind of low, right? haha.) It’s fun, free and stress-relieving for me. I can write whatever comes to mind or whatever interesting things that happen to me, without the pressure to uphold useless appearances with peers. Haha, but it may be a bit random for people to read, presuming some people read this silliness at all. Haha