
I haven’t been blogging or posting up stuff regularly anymore. My life is starting to become busier as exams are coming up, I’ve started getting involved with my life and I’m starting to run out of blog ideas.

Can I just write random stuff that doesn’t make sense here? like random notes, puzzles, etc.? Will people be confused and mad at me? hey wait, why should I care about what people think. yea, I need learn to be more assertive and less self-conscious. This was originally made for me to release my pent-up stress right? so I should just say whatever the fuck I want without worrying so much or else I’ll wind up not knowing what to write anymore… wait, if I do that then my writing will sound completely random because my thoughts jump around a lot…sigh, what to do… maybe i’ll just post all my rough notes one by one so people, if there are any, will have something to read. My raw posts are kind of… raw… unpolished…and really random. haha, hope people can still enjoy it a bit.

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